The Ping Pong Game is a classic two-player arcade-style game developed using Python with the Pygame library. Players control paddles to hit a bouncing ball back and forth, aiming to score points by getting the ball past their opponent's paddle. The game tracks scores and announces a winner when a player reaches 10 points.
Technologies Used
- Python: The primary programming language used for game development.
- Pygame: A library for creating games in Python, enabling graphics, sound, and input handling.
- pygame_menu: A library for creating menus in Pygame applications.
- CSV: For data logging and score tracking.
How to Run the Game
- Clone the Repository.
- Install Dependencies: Make sure you have Python and the necessary libraries installed.
- Run the Game.
- Gameplay: Input player names, then control your paddles as described below. The game runs until a player reaches 10 points.
Gameplay Instructions
- Player 1 Controls:
- Move Up: W
- Move Down: S
- Player 2 Controls:
- Move Up: UP Arrow
- Move Down: DOWN Arrow
- Pause Game: Press P